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Yorkshire Pudding

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  • Author: Mel and Boys Kitchen



1 c. flour

1 c. Milk

2 eggs

1/2 tsp salt

3 TB butter

2 tsp beef starter (or 2 beef bouillon cubes)


Preheat oven to 425°. Put butter in 9×9-inch glass pan and place in preheated oven until butter is melted and frothy.(Another option is to use the fat skimmed off the meat drippings. That is more ‘traditional’ but butter is easier and I like the taste, so that’s what I have always done.)

While the pan is the oven (or beforehand), mix flour, milk, eggs and salt just until smooth. Remove pan from oven. Add bouillon to the hot butter and crush and mix it around. Pour in batter, more or less evenly distributing it in the butter.

*It is of utmost importance that you put the batter into the HOT HOT HOT pan. Do not allow your pan to cool down at all while you mix up the batter. The hot pan will make the pudding rise in great peaks and low valleys – the trade mark of Yorkshire Pudding.**

Bake for 30-40 minutes or until the pudding is high and brown. Cut up and serve immediately, with the carved roast and gravy.